The treatment with camel urines

· The Tretment,The Punishments

-3-6 – باب: الدواء بأبوال الإبل.5362 – حدثنا موسى بن إسماعيل: حدثنا همَّام، عن قتادة، عن أنس رضي الله عنه: أن ناساً اجتووا في المدينة، فأمرهم النبي ﷺ أن يلحقوا براعيه، يعني الإبل، فيشربوا من ألبانها وأبوالها، فلحقوا براعيه فشربوا من ألبانها وأبوالها، حتى صلحت أبدانهم، فقتلوا الراعي وساقوا الإبل، فبلغ النبي ﷺ ، فبعث في طلبهم فجيء بهم، فقطع أيديهم وأرجلهم، وسمر أعينهم. قال قتادة: فحدثني محمد بن سيرين: أن ذلك كان قبل أن تنزل الحدود.
جَوِيَ الرَّجُلُ : مَرِضَ صَدْرُهُ
3-6 - Chapter: Medicine with camel urine. 5362 - Musa bin Ismail told us: Hammam told us, on the authority of Qatada, on the authority of Anas, may God be pleased with him: That some people had invaded: their chest became ill in Medina, so the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, commanded them to follow his shepherd, meaning camels, for drink from its milk and urine, so they joined his shepherd and drank from its milk and urine, Until their bodies were fixed, they killed the shepherd and drove the camels, The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was informed, and he sent for them, and they were brought, so he cut off their hands and feet, and poke their eyes, Qatada said: Muhammad bin Sirin told me: That was before the punishments of Hudud were revealed.

We benefit from the noble Hadith

لقد تناولنا شرح الحديث برمته في ألبان الإبل ، هنا فقط سنتحدث عن فوائد أبوال الإبل وكيفية الإستفادة منها

1 - لاحظ أنها في الأمراض الصدرية ( اجتووا: بمعني مرض في الصدر )

The first study

the effectiveness of virgin camel’s urine as antifungal agents

As a result of the many diseases that fungi cause to humans, the pace has accelerated towards the search for sources to resist these microorganisms and reduce their risks. Scientific research has continued towards the use of antifungals, especially those with natural sources that do not cause pollution problems to the environment surrounding the human being. Urine of the virgin camel is considered one of the natural sources and has a historical reputation among the inhabitants of the Arabian peninsula in controlling fungi. Unfortunately modern science does not recognize benefits of that urine, rather the World Health Organization has warned against the use of camel meat and products for fear of transmitting the Corona virus that is endemic to camels (WHO warning of using camels productions). On the contrary, some studies in some islamic countries dealt with the positive role of camel urine (especially virgin camel) in treating many diseases, including fungal diseases for humans. Therefore, we had to conduct some experimental research on a scientific basis in an attempt to prove the effectiveness of the virgin camels urine towards controlling some fungi. Therefore, two fungi of A. niger and E. purpurascens isolated from bath fibrils and a dishwashing sponge were chosen to conduct fungi antagonistic research, with a comparison of virgin camels urine with ewes and human urine. The study here proved that the urine of virgin camels that were grazing in the Nafud desert in the Sakaka region, Saudi Arabia, has the ability to inhibit the growth of A. niger and E. purpurascens in both the solidified and the liquid nutrient media and this is consistent with one of the studies which was conducted in the region of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

From here it can be said that the urine of a virgin camel has a great inhibitory role for the growth of A. niger and E. purpurascens, and that urine can be used in one way or another to control these fungi.

The second study

It's around another narration of the Hadith:

ما رواه البخاري ومسلم عن أنس في قصة العرنيين، وفيه: أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم حثهم على شرب أبوال الإبل وألبانها لما اشتكوا واجتووا المدينة، وفي رواية لمسلم أنهم قالوا: يا رسول الله، إنا اجتوينا المدينة، فعظمت بطوننا، وارتهشت أعضاؤنا... وعند النسائي: فاجتووا المدينة حتى اصفرت ألوانهم وعظمت بطونهم..
What Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated on the authority of Anas in the story of the Aryans, and in it: that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, urged them to drink camel’s urine and milk When they complained and contended: their chests became ill, in Medina, and in a narration by Muslim, they said: O Messenger of God: Our chests became ill in Medina, Our stomachs grew thick and trembled: our members trembled, And according to an-Nasa’i: They invaded Medina until their colors turned yellow and their stomachs became large.

In begining: Swollen Abdomen may indicate oedema and liver disease (jaundice) or cancer, and thin bodies demonstrated the extreme weakness, which often accompanies with hepatitis or cancer


The study used the technique of tissue culture of human lung cancer cells and mice leukemia cells

which were compared to with normal human skin fibroblasts in studying the effect of PM 701. This proved that our agent could induce apoptosis of the cancer cells without affecting the normal cells. The in vivo studies tested the effect of PM 701 in treating MFI mice, which were inoculated with L1210 cells. The result of in vivo is satisfactory as in vitro,

where the life span and the survival of animals improved. The histopathology studies revealed disappearance of malignant tumors in the organs of treated animals or at least a decrease the in the degree of metastasis. So PM 701 showed promising results as anticancer agent in cancer induced animal model, For enhancing the utility and convenience of application of PM701, liquid PM701 was lyophilized to reach a solid form. Then the solid form was fractionated to obtain the bioactive fraction(s), which were more readily acceptable to humans. During these steps, we monitored the activity of the different fractions using the different tests subjected previously on the crude PM 701, such as in vitro and in vivo tests. The fraction, which was coded PMF (150mg/g of the lyophilized PM701) was able to significantly inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells without affecting the normal cells at cell culture levels. So PMF is the ideal selective cytotoxic agent whereas the other fractions are less effective or non-selective. On further fractionation.

PMF was subfractionated to seven parts in order to isolate the most effective cytotoxic constituents of this bio-active fraction. Our studies identified that the subfraction PMFK was the most cytotoxic constituents. PMF and PMFK had been examined and showed successful results in preventing the growth of cultivated cancer cells for different carcinogenic cell lines as in the liver, colon, brain and breast in addition to the lung and leukemia. The pharmacological and toxicological studies were done on formulated PM701 and PMF on animal models. These experiments proved their safety as indicated by the high value of MTD on animal models and also by its safety effect on vital organs of animal models throug, carried out using light and electron microcopies. the clinical trail on human indicated that the application on healthy volunteers using the capsules and syrup containing PMF did not appear tohave any harmful side effects. Whereas the size of the tumor was reduced 50% in a third degree patient volunteer with lung cancer, after use of medication for only one month, reduced 80% after two months and there is no active cells after 9 months. In other patient (pancreatic cancer without any other treatment) the biomarker (CA99) reduced from 9600 to 2500 after only three weeks. In another metastatic patient, the biomarker (CEA) reduced from294 to 194 in two weeks and the tumor in liver reduced 2mm. The treatmentsare still ongoing for all these patients.

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is used for burns caused by radiotherapy and the majority of skin diseases and eczema.

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is under test for carcinogenic diseases and each tea spoonful(5ml) contain 1000 mg of active substance PMF.