Snuff in Indian and marine premiums

· The Tretment

-3-10 – باب:السَّعوط بالقسط الهندي والبحري. 

وهوالكُسْتُ، مثل الكافور والقافور، مثل (كُشِطَتْ) /التكوير: 11/ وقُشِطَتْ:
نُزِعَتْ، وقرأ عبد الله: قُشِطَتْ. 

5368 – حدثنا صدقة بن الفضل: أخبرنا ابن عيينة قال: سمعت الزُهري، عن عبيدالله، عن أم قيس بنت مِحْصَن قالت: سمعت النبي ﷺ يقول: (عليكم بهذا العود الهندي، فإن فيه سبعةأشفية: يُسْتَعَطُ به من العُذْرة، ويُلَدُّ به من ذات الجنب). ودخلت على النبي ﷺ بابن لي لم يأكل الطعام، فبال عليه، فدعا بماءفَرَشَّ عليه. 

قال أبو بكر بن العربي: القسط نوعان: هندي وهوأسود، وبحري وهو أبيض، والهندي أشدهما حرارة. 

-3-10 - Chapter: Snuff with Indian and marine premiums 

And it is Al-Kut,like camphor and camphor, like (scraped) / Al-Takwir: 11/ and scattered: it has
been stripped, and Abdullah recited: It has been scraped. 

5368 - Sadaqah ibnal-Fadl told us: Ibn Uyaynah told us, he said: I heard al-Zuhri, on the
authority of Ubayd Allah, on the authority of Umm Qais bint Muhsin, who said: I
heard the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, say: (You should stick to
this Indian oud, for it has seven cures: To get rid of the 3thrh: excrement, it's
cure by it the same side). and I entered upon the Prophet, may God bless him
and grant him peace, with a son of mine who did not eat food, so he urinated on
him, so he called for water and spread it over it. 

We benefit from the noble Hadith 

1 - With this oud that he does not care about (seven cures), as the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said, the Messenger of God did not mention it except for 2

A- Al-Adhra: Excrement

B - pleurisy: inflammation of the lining of the lung

) Pleurisy, pleurisy, or pleuritis is defined as inflammation of the pleurisy, and the pleura is the lining surrounding the lungs. There are many possible causes of pleurisy, but viral infections (viral infections) spreading from the lungs to the pleural space are the most common cause.)

3 - Perhaps someone wondered how the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - knew something from India. The answer: Far from speaking of whims - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, except that the Indian civilization surrounded the Arabian Peninsula like many civilizations such as Egypt - China - Babylon in Iraq and Hadhramaut in Yemen and elsewhere, and delegations came from everywhere in the pilgrimage season for trade. Remember with me Salman al-Farisi - may God be pleased with him, who lived in the land of Iran and came to Mecca and other honorable companions.

4 - Note: that the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - did not abuse the woman for the urine of her young child and asked for a small amount of water (spraying on the urine) and not spilling water on it: Read with me this scientific speech:

At birth certain parts of the human kidney are stillundeveloped. According to Peter [1927] the glomeruli are all formed, but the nephrons attached to those near the capsule are still very primitive, and the loops of Henle very short. The most central nephrons are in a much more
advanced stage of development, but even they have many primitive features. If the
loops of Henle were functionally defective at birth, the kidney might be unable
to reabsorb enough water to produce a hypertonic urine.

Have you noticed that the woman has not yet tasted the food to her son, then the kidneys are still in a stage of development and have not worked to the fullest extent, so there is no real impurity.

First benefits: white marine premium

Costus is a perennial plant that grows in the wilds of the Himalayas, which embraces the highest summit of Everest in the world.

Premium marine or sweet

Its sticks are bleached, and it was called al-Bahri because the Arabs used to bring it by sea.

The sea premium is used to regulate the body’s hormones, treat irregular menstruation, relieve pain, and is considered a useful plant that protects against kidney stones, helps break them down, and acts as a good diuretic.

The marine premium works in the treatment of many skin diseases such as alopecia and eczema

It breaks up kidney stones and is useful in weak stomach, liver and hepatitis, especially if mixed with honey.

Activates the body in general, increases sexual ability, expels wind and generates urine.

Melasma and freckles are removed if crushed and mixed with honey.

Second: the Black Indian premium

The Indian custard is hotter than the sea, and the sticks are dark brown in color and have a bitter taste.

What does it treat?

It cleanses the stomach of microbes and germs because it contains antiseptic substances such as helenine and resistant benzoate acid. It also helps in treating digestive diseases and regulating the digestive process.

Treats chronic headache drinking and snuff.

Treats shortness of breath, asthma and pleurisy.

- Infusion of the Costus oud cuts the phlegm.

He is cured of the common cold by drinking and incense.

It is one of the very useful plants for the skin, as it works to unify skin tone, removes water cells and helps in cell renewal, treats acne and its effects, treats dark circles under the eyes, has the ability to get rid of burns and wounds and their effects, treats melasma and treats boils.

The Indian premium also helps to melt fat from the body, and lose excess weight, by grinding it, boiling it and eating it as a drink daily, an hour before breakfast, and it works to reduce cholesterol in the blood.


Scientists have found a link between gut health and respiratory health. Here is the scientific statement:

With a better understanding of the interconnections between organs, via chemokines, cytokines, neuroendocrine molecules, migratory immune cells, specific metabolites, and even the nervous system, it is now clear that bacteria in the gut can indeed have far-reaching and systemic consequences. And that a healthy gut microbiome can contribute to the prevention, mitigation and recovery of a number of conditions. At least it is no longer a mystery how beneficial gut bacteria can be for lung disease or heart disease. If these new insights presented are used to guide the next stage of hypothesis-based research, further achievements can be expected.

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