Al - Imam Bukhari

· Imam Biography

The name

Muhammad bin Ismail bin Ibrahim bin Al-Mughirah bin Bardazba bin Al-Ahnaf Al-Ja’fi Al-Qahtani

his nicknames

The keeper

Imam of the people of hadith in his time

And the imitator is in his time

And the one who takes precedence over the rest of his strikes and peers

One of the most important hadith scholars for Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama`ah

Abi Abdullah


The proportions

Abu Abdullah bin Abi Al-Hassan Al-Bukhari

The Birth

Imam al-Bukhari was born on the night of Friday the thirteenth of Shawwal in the year 194 AH

The city in which he was born

Bukhara is in the province of Khorasan, and its origin is from the city of Balkh, which is one of the states of Afghanistan today.

Imam Al-Bukhari is attributed to Ismail bin Ibrahim bin Bardzbah, and Bardzbah was Persian, then converted to Islam at the hands of Al-Mughira, and he came to Bukhara and was attributed to it; Because they attributed the person to the one who embraced Islam on his hand because of loyalty.

The family

The family is generous with debt and money; His father was a modern scholar, known among the people for his good manners and vast knowledge, and his mother was a righteous woman, not less pious than his father, Al-Bukhari made the pilgrimage with his mother and brother, and he resided in Makkah Al-Mukarramah; To seek knowledge, and the upbringing of Imam Al-Bukhari was in a religious, wealthy family.

The story of his mother's dignity in return ( his eyesight)  

. His eyesight was injured when he was young, and his mother saw Ibrahim Al-Khalil in her sleep saying: “Oh, God has restored your sight to your son by your many supplications (or he said: your crying) and he became clear-sighted.

His father

Ismail was one of the narrators of hadith, and Ibn Hibban was exposed to him in his work called Al-Thiqat, and he was famous for his keenness on halal money until it was reported that he did not know anything of his money that was forbidden or suspicious, and when he died, his son Muhammad was young.

Grandfather's Islam

His grandfather Al-Mugheerah was a Magian and converted to Islam at the hands of a person called Al-Yaman, He was a Jufai, so he was affiliated with him, as it is said (He is Muhammad bin Ismail bin Ibrahim bin Al-Mughirah Al-Jufai Al-Bukhari).

The Foundation

His father died when he was young, so he grew up in his mother’s lap, so he went to memorize hadith while he was in the office: Kutab, and he read the famous books when he was sixteen years old, until it was said that he had memorized seventy thousand hadiths as a boy.


Why is it called al-Bukhari?

Al-Bukhari is not of Arab descent, rather he was of Persian origin, and the first of his ancestors to embrace Islam was Al-Mughirah bin Burd Zabbah, and his conversion to Islam was at the hands of Al-Yaman Al-Jaafi, the governor of Bukhara; He was attributed to his tribe, and belonged to it with loyalty, and Al-Jaafi became a lineage to him and his family after him.

his study

No sooner had the Qur’an been memorized than he began to frequent the hadith circles. At this early age, he inclined himself to hadith, and found its sweetness in his heart, so he accepted him lovingly, so that he would say about this period: “I was inspired to memorize hadith while I was in the office: Kutab (the writers), and I have been ten years or less.” His memorization was strong, His memory is captivating and does not miss anything that is heard or read, and he was almost sixteen years old until he memorized the books of Ibn Al-Mubarak, Waki`, and other books of the modern imams.

His journeys in seeking knowledge

He traveled in pursuit of knowledge when he was ten years old to all areas, and he used to correct some of the hadith scholars when he was eleven years old.

He traveled in pursuit of knowledge to Levant, Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, Basra, Hijaz, Kufa, and Baghdad.

How he compiled his book (Al-Sihah) 

Imamal-Bukhari was characterized in collecting hadiths with many qualities, Where
Imam al-Bukhari set in his Sahih book two conditions for the acceptance of the
hadith and a conclusion in his book, and the clarification of these two
conditions is as follows: 

1 - The length of the company 

Al-Bukhari described the period of the narrator’sassociation with his sheikh who narrates from him and his association with him, and this condition includes proving the link of the chain of transmission to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and achieving justice in
all narrators up to the Companions, as it is stipulated that the narrator of hadith be from the people of the first class in the layers of narrators at the hands of his sheikh, for example, the narrators of Imam Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri are divided into five classes in terms of the strength of memorization, accuracy, mastery and duration inherent in it.  

Imam al-Bukhari summarized the hadiths of the people of the first degree

who meet his condition and can sometimes mention reliable hadiths to people of the second degree without understanding them, and often comment on them, as for the people of the third degree, e mentions many of their hadiths as commentaries and relied on the specification of the narrator's hadith, which is characterized by trust, justice, and the scarcity of errors.

The saying of Al-Hafiz Abu Al-Fadl bin Taher Al-Maqdisi

On the case of Imam Al-Bukhari in his Sahih: Al-Bukhari legislated in his Sahih Book that he only mentions a hadith that is rated as trustworthy by its famous author, provided that there is no difference between the reliable narrators, and the validity of the link of the narrators chain without interruption, and Al-Bukhari recommends the hadith of his narrators from two narrators, and it is sufficient with one narrator under the authority of the companion narrators if his hadith is correct.

2 - The Meeting and the Contemporary

Where Imam Al-Bukhari followed in his Sahih book the condition of meeting and simultaneousness between the narrator and those who deviate from him, and that the speech of the speaker should be without deception and free from disturbing shortcomings in the hadith, what is meant by the meeting is that the trusted narrator meets the one from whom the hadith is transmitted even once in his life, the meeting was the phrase “Anan,” which the narrator said tt the live hearing and explaining it, This approach was followed by Imam al-Bukhari in all his words in his Sahih.

Al-Hafiz, may God have mercy on him, says:

Imam al-Bukhari explained his approach to accepting the narration in his history book and more than it in his entire Sahih, where he used to read hadiths that had absolutely nothing to do with the surah, this is to allude to the interrogation of the narrator by his sheikh, who had previously narrated it to him with the word “anana": That is, on the authority of so-and-so, on the authority of so-and-so, Imam al-Bukhari also took the hadiths of trusted narrators who reached the highest levels of trust, and kept away from narrators whose lectures were suspected.

What is he famous for?

Imam Al-Bukhari was famous for his intelligence among the people, and he tested hundreds of hadiths upside down the chain of transmission, and he repeated them with their correct chains of transmission and repeated them smoothly, which indicates the interest in books in those eras, and an indication of his success, especially after they admitted that it was the healthiest book after the Holy Qur’an, Thecommentaries on it amounted to nearly one hundred and thirty or more books, among the most famous interpretations in his book (Book of Fath Al-Bari) by Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani.

His books

His comprehensive, correct book, scholars are unanimously agreed that it is accepted and that what is in it is correct. The author of the book Al-Jami Al-Sahih, which is considered the most reliable of the six authentic books, and which the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah have unanimously agreed that it is the most correct book after the Holy Qur’an.

It's narrated about him after he wrote the book of Al - shah:

He used to pray two rak'ahs at each biography.

Books about (The Book of Al-Bukhari: As-Sahih)

1 - Kawthar Al-Ma’ani Al-Darari is one of the most prominent books on revealing the secrets of Sahih Al-Bukhari by Muhammad Al-Khidr Al-Shanqeeti

2 - Aoun al-Bari, an explanation of the explicit abstraction of Siddiq Hassan Khan

3 - Flags of Sunan by al-Khattabi, which is evidence of the state’s efforts in serving the book of Sahih al-Bukhari, their skill in knowledge and thought, and the nation’s love for its Prophet and its effects.

What prompted him to write the book As-Sahih?

The source of the idea was mentioned by Al-Bukhari himself, saying:

I was with Ishaq Ibn Rahwayh, and he said: If you compile a short book of the authentic Sunnah of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, then it will fall into my heart, so I took the collection of the right collector, Ibn Rahwayh was one of the teachers and professors of Al-Bukhari, and he was one of the scholars of Nishapur, He was not in a hurry to produce the book, as he put a lot of revision, and investigation into it, until it came out with its final version, comprising 7,275 hadiths chosen by Al-Bukhari, of the 600,000 hadiths he had received, he worked on scrutinizing the narrations according to a strict methodology.

From his habits

  • He said: He used to ride to shoot a lot, so I did not know that I saw him in the length of what I accompanied him, his arrow missed the target except twice, and he hit the target in all of that, and he was never ahead. [p: 445]
  • Muhammad ibn Abi Hatim said: I heard al-Husayn ibn Muhammad al-Samarqandi say: Muhammad ibn Isma`il was singled out with three qualities, along with the praiseworthy qualities he had:
  • He was a little talkative
  • He was not covetous of what the people had
  • He was not involved in people's affairs
  • All his work was in science
  • He was earning money through speculation with the money he had inherited from his father; To devote himself to learning the hadith and the Sunnah.
  • If something happened to him during prayer, he would not stop it until he completed it
  • Because of his piety, he used to say: “I hope that I meet God and that He does not hold me accountable for backbiting anyone.”
  • He was famous for his generosity and spending on the poor and needy
  • He was known for his self-esteem, and the chastity of his hand.
  • He was ascetic. He was always teaching by day. It was a lot of prayer at night.
  • He was very adherent to the Sunnah.
  • He was far from sitting with princes


They said about him

Many hadith scholars and imams of Islam praised Imam al-Bukhari, and they acknowledged him for his merit in the science of men and the knowledge of the causes of hadith. He said about him

Amr bin Ali Al Falas

A hadith that Muhammad bin Ismail does not know is not a hadith, and Ishaq bin Rahwayh instructed his students to write on the authority of Al-Bukhari

The scholars of Mecca

They describe him as their imam and jurist

The Scholars in Basra

What is in the world like Muhammad bin Ismail in knowledge and righteousness.

Abu Jaafar Muhammad bin Yusuf Al-Warraq said:

Abdullah bin Hammad Al-Amali told us, he said: I wish I was a hair in the chest of Muhammad bin Ismail.

Abu Amr Ahmed bin Nasr Al-Khaffaf said:

Muhammad bin Ismail told us, the pious, the pure, the scholar, the like of whom I had never seen.

Al - Hakm said:

Muhammad bin Hamid Al-Bazzaz told us, I heard Al-Hasan bin Muhammad bin Jaber, I heard Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Dhahili when Al-Bukhari reported Nishapur saying: Go to this righteous man, and listen to him. [p: 443]

Al-Khatib narrated with his chain of transmission on the authority of Al-Farbri, who said:

I saw the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - in sleep, and he said to me: Where do you want to? I said: I want Muhammad bin Ismail al-Bukhari. He said: Give him ٍSalam: hello from me.

Muhammad ibn al-Abbas al-Farbri told me, he said:

I was sitting with Abi Abdullah Al-Bukhari in the mosque, so I pushed a mote from his beard like corn, I remember it, so I wanted to throw it in the mosque, so he said: Throw it out of the mosque.

Sliema said

I have not seen with my own eyes for sixty years more knowledgeable, pious, or ascetic than Muhammad bin Ismail.

Abdul Majeed bin Ibrahim said:

I have not seen the example of Muhammad bin Ismail, who used to equate the strong with the weak.

His Death

In the year two hundred and fifty-six, he was nearly sixty-two years old, and he did not leave any male children after him.

Ibn Uday said

I heard Abd al-Quddus ibn Abd al-Jabbar al-Samarqandi say: Muhammad came to his relatives in Khartak, and I heard him supplicating one night when he finished his reply: O God, the earth has become too narrow for me, so take me to you. What was the month until he died.

He said: I heard Muhammad bin Khadash say: I heard Ahmad bin Hafs say: I entered upon Abu al-Hasan - meaning: Ismail - the father of Abu Abdullah upon his death, and he said: I do not know of my money, a dirham of unlawful, or a dirham of suspicion. Ahmed said: So I became small to myself at that. Then Abu Abdullah said: The truestest thing a man is about death.

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