2347 - break the jugs in which the wine is, or break the alleys, If he breaks an idol, a cross, or a tambur (a musical instrument)Or what does not benefit: with a wood, Shureh came in a broken tanbour, it doesn't role in it with anything(Copy)

· The grievances

[ 2347 ] حدثنا إبراهيم بن المنذر حدثنا أنس بن عياض عن عبيد الله عن عبد الرحمن بن القاسم عن أبيه القاسم عن عائشة رضى الله تعالى عنها أنها كانت اتخذت على سهوة لها سترا فيه تماثيل فهتكه النبي ﷺ فاتخذت منه نمرقتين فكانتا في البيت يجلس عليهما
[2347] Ibrahim bin Al-Mundhir told us, Anas bin Iyad told us, on the authority of Ubaid Allah, on the authority of Abd Al-Rahman bin Al-Qasim, on the authority of his father Al-Qasim, On the authority of Aisha, may God Almighty be pleased with her, that she was taken by mistake, a cover: there are statues in it that the Prophet, peace be upon him, cut it off, so He tooks two sheets from it, so they were in the house sitting on them.